Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Things That Should Have Happened by 2011, Edison's Version

As a follow up to an earlier post about old predictions for 2011, here's what Edison thought back in 1911 would happen "a hundred years hence":

"Books of the coming century will all be printed leaves of nickel, so light to hold that the reader can enjoy a small library in a single volume. A book two inches thick will contain forty thousand pages, the equivalent of a hundred volumes; six inches in aggregate thickness, it would suffice for all the contents of the Encyclopedia Britannica. And each volume would weigh less than a pound."

Sounds like Kindle.

-- Paleofuture

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/MitAdvertisingLabFutureOfAdvertisingAndAdvertisingTechnology/~3/XjlQ1GjMD0g/things-that-should-have-happened-by.html

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