Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ten Years Of "This Will Be The Year Of"

"2000 will be the year of free Internet" (IDC)

"2001 will be the year of the Internet appliance." (Chicago Tribune).

"2002 will be the year of the clones." (New Scientist)

"2003 will be the year of the blog" (Instapundit)

"2004 will be the year of the analysis engine." (

"2005 is year of local mobile search" (O'Reilly)

"2006: the year of vidcasting and advercasting" (Steve Rubel)

"2007 will be the year of the widget" (Newsweek, original)

"2008 will be the year of web TV." (Techradar)

"2009 will be the year of the uber blog" (Inquisitr)

"2010 will be the year TV and the web really converge." (Guardian)

Bonus track:
"2001 will be the year that website operators come to their collective senses and start charging customers for service." (Jakob Nielsen)


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