Friday, March 4, 2011

INAIL: Let's make safety work

INAIL: Let's make safety work

Man-sized world is built only with safe buildings sites.
Accident prevention policies and regular working contracts in the building industry guarantee a safer environment. For the people who build it, and for all of us, who live in a world entirely built by them. A value and a civil liability, that can finally count on a global program, which gives the right information, tools and solutions. And the more we share these values, the more effective this program will be. Learn more on

Advertising Agency: McCann Erickson, Rome, Italy
Creative Director: Marco Carnevale
Art Director: Valentina Raccuia
Copywriter: Francesco Trapani
Photographer: LSD
Published: Novembre 2010

Learn how to do great ads like this on Creative Pro.


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