Sunday, May 29, 2011

Neutrogena: Wrinkled ad

Neutrogena: Wrinkled ad

Never been easier to prevent the expression lines.

Neutrogena released an interactive booklet in which people can share their own experience in how to eliminate expression lines. Created by DDB Brasil, the ad has actual lines, as if they were wrinkles on women faces. To eliminate them, the reader must pull the product?s package. The action refers to the use of night time facial moisturizer Neutrogena Ultra-light, which prevents and softens the appearance of expression lines.

Advertising Agency: DDB, Brazil
Creative Directors: Sergio Valente, Marco Versolato, Andr� Pedroso, Mariana S�
Art Director: Samyr Souen
Copywriter: Rodrigo Mendon�a
Account Supervisor: Cristiane Pereira Heal, Fernanda Marin, Carolina Franco do Amaral, Giordana Scarpellini
Art Buyer: Clariana Costa and Carmen Castillo
Photographer (model): Maur�cio Nahas
Photographer (Pack): Marcel Valvassori
Image Treatment : 24\7
Graphic production: Clariana Costa and Anelito N�brega
Typographer: P+E galeria digital
Animation: Felipe Rolli
Advertiser's Supervisor: Fernanda Rol

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