Saturday, May 21, 2011

11 Random Adlab Posts

Just that: 11 totally random posts from the past six years brought to you by the wonderful "Show a Random Post" button on the blog's right sidebar. Click here to subscribe to the RSS feed if you are new here.

Santa Bot Talks Sex, Swears (2007)

Study: Low Awareness of Brands in Second Life (2007)

Human Locator's Interactive Targeted Billboards (2005)

Data Transmission Through Visible Light (2005)

"Future of Advertising" Photoshop Contest (2005)

Military Recruitment Ads From Around the World (2008)

Imagining Apple TV (2010)

NYTimes on Military Analysts As Propaganda Proxies (2008; the author subsequently won a Pulitzer for his investigative reporting on the subject))

Diapers and Beer: The Real Story (2008)

Two Ad Agencies Announce Second Life Branches (2006)

Subliminal Spam (2006)


advertising campaign internet advertising group advertising jobs advertising sales tips

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